Sunday, 9 December 2018

Final Post

Open Source was my first professional option course. I took it because

  • I heard from person working in the industry that open source knowledge/skill is important and that I must take this course
  • I heard from other students that this course is taught by a good professor
I am satisfied with this course. I learnt GitHub, gained some experience in open source, improved resume, and so on. Now I am going to try other courses. In the last year at Seneca I will definitely take second open source course.

Release 0.4 Week 3

This week I finished all PRs that were assigned to me last week:
Description of these functions can be found here
Third PR does not pass checks, because it uses function written in one of the previous PRs which was not merged yet.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Release 0.4 Week 2

This week I chose issues in algorithms library I will work on next week and did a research about Math required to implement chosen algorithms. Of course, I am going to write efficient algorithms. These algorithms are:
Modular Multiplicative Inverse - function receives 2 integers a and m and returns smallest positive integer x such that
In simple words this means that ax - 1 is divisible by m
Modular Multiplicative Inverse using Fermets - the same problem but solved using Fermet's Small Theorem.
Fisher Yates - this is algorithm used to generate random permutations of a finite sequence.